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selective omission

Simon Plosker

Skewed Priorities in The Times

The Times of London’s Greg Carlstrom ignores the Palestinian terrorist murder of Dafna Meir in favor of a story on Israeli price fixing of school trips to Poland.

News Critiques

How The Guardian’s Framing Frames Israel

Just how far will The Guardian go in order to promote its anti-Israel agenda by making changes to the Associated Press’s original content?

Simon Plosker

CNN’s Anonymous Terrorist

CNN reports on a terrorist incident but fails to tell its readers who the seemingly anonymous terrorist was.

Simon Plosker

CNN: Joseph’s Tomb “Catches Fire”

CNN’s headline stated that Jewish holy site Joseph’s Tomb simply “caught fire” even though it was torched by a Palestinian mob.

Simon Plosker

NBC News Bias Exposed

You know there’s a problem when an anchor has to correct an eyewitness correspondent on live TV. Ayman Moyheldin’s and NBC News bias are brutally exposed.

Simon Plosker

AP’s Sins of Omission

The Associated Press asks why Palestinian residents of Jerusalem are involved in terror but omits some important facts and context.

Recent Features
Yarden Frankl

Video: Offensive, Misleading NYT Op-Ed

An Op-Ed in the New York Times claims that Israelis don’t care about the brutal murders of an eighteen month old Palestinian baby and a 16 year old Israeli girl.


Yarden Frankl

Bad Headline, Worse Picture

It’s tough to decide which is more misleading: The AFP headline or the picture under it.

Yarden Frankl

…After Attacking Officers with Knives…

With just five words, “after attacking officers with knives,” the NYT could have let those who skim headlines know what actually happened.

Yarden Frankl

Has Anyone Seen Any Rockets?

Leaving out the rocket attacks is leaving out a crucial element of the conflict. The New York Times motto should be “all the news that — we decide — is fit to print.”

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