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YouTube Complicit In Inciting Anti-Semitism?

German Jews are considering filing a criminal complaint against YouTube. Haaretz writes: Such action makes the video-sharing website liable to charges of incitement to racial hatred, the council’s vice president, Salomon Korn, told the German…

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German Jews are considering filing a criminal complaint against YouTube. Haaretz writes:

Such action makes the video-sharing website liable to charges of incitement to racial hatred, the council’s vice president, Salomon Korn, told the German television program Report Mainz….

Program researchers said it was possible to watch videos on YouTube of an anti-Semitic film released by the Nazis during World War II called Jud Suess.

Outlawed videos of the neo-Nazi groups Kommando Freisler and Landser were also available on the Web site, the television programme broadcast by Germany’s ARD network said.

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