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Backspin on RSS feed

Media Backspin is now available as an RSS feed. Don’t know what that is? Read this. Try out a news/blog aggregator like My Yahoo, which is running RSS feeds in beta mode now. Then add…

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Media Backspin is now available as an RSS feed.

Don’t know what that is? Read this.

Try out a news/blog aggregator like My Yahoo, which is running RSS feeds in beta mode now. Then add our URL to your list of news/blog feeds.

This is a great way to see, on one page, all of your favorite news sources and activity on your favorite blogs. This way, you don’t need to check on each blog all the time for new content — you can just check your RSS newsreader page, and if there’s a new entry that interests you, click through and see the whole thing on the blog’s page.

For a review of three other, independent RSS aggregators, see this article from PC World.

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