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Helps Us Name Our Roundup

  For years, HonestReporting has been compiling a roundup of all the important news stories about Israel to keep our staff informed of how Israel appears in the press. We referred to this roundup as…

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Name that RoundupFor years, HonestReporting has been compiling a roundup of all the important news stories about Israel to keep our staff informed of how Israel appears in the press. We referred to this roundup as our cheat sheet on how the media is covering Israel.  It was for internal use only and served as the basis for all of our communiques, blog posts, and other content we created.

In recent months, we decided to make the cheat sheet available to our readers as well as an added benefit. We opened a special Facebook page dedicated to the cheat sheet and invited our readers to join. We plan to roll out an email version very soon as well.

The response had been overwhelming. So much so that we have decided to upgrade the look and feel of the roundup as well as how we deliver it to our readers. We want to make it as easy as possible for people to find everything they need to know about how the media covers Israel, all in one place.

An important component in the upgrade is choosing a permanent name for the roundup. We called it the cheat sheet because that was the name we used internally. It’s a good name, but we want to consider other names as well.

That’s why we’re turning to you, our dear readers. We’re looking for suggestions for a new name that would help the roundup find the largest possible audience.

The name should convey the scope of the roundup as well as the fact that you can get it daily to stay on top of the news about Israel. It will still be the same news roundup we use internally at HR, but it will be open to the general public.

Please suggest a name by leaving a comment on the blog, the HonestReporting Facebook page, or the Media Cheat Sheet Facebook page.

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