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Monitoring The Bad & The Ugly: HR on Social Media

  Each week, HonestReporting reviews countless news articles, setting the record straight when journalists portray Israel unfairly by casting it as an aggressor and responsible for the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians, or disseminate antisemitic…

Reading time: 3 minutes


Each week, HonestReporting reviews countless news articles, setting the record straight when journalists portray Israel unfairly by casting it as an aggressor and responsible for the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians, or disseminate antisemitic tropes.

That’s one of the many reasons why HR is active on social media. By using online platforms, HR can simultaneously expose bias and misinformation, and directly reach a given writer or outlet instantaneously to inform them of any errors. In this way, we are able to have an immediate impact, with the ultimate aim of garnering corrections.

So, for those not familiar with Twitter, below is a roundup of some of our media critiques from the past seven days.

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1. AP focuses on Israeli self-defense, not a Palestinian attacker 

How many times have we seen this? People acting in self-defense, acting in a way proportional to the threat, is not a story. The attack itself is. The Associated Press should be ashamed of itself for running such a headline.

2. NPR incorrectly describes reason for Arab boycott of Israel

When NPR published a piece about recent developments between Israel and the UAE, it correctly noted the formal ending of a law instituting a boycott of Israeli products and services. Unfortunately, however, less accurate was the explanation given for that boycott, and for the BDS movement in general.

3. Associated Press and Washington Post mislabel Hezbollah

Given the chance, how would you describe Hezbollah?  As a group with a “clean reputation” or as a genocidal terror organization that commits war crimes? Woeful reporting from the AP, and from the Washington Post for uncritically publishing this article.

4. The Daily Mail forgets how Arab states treat Palestinians

While it’s true that Arab states have historically conditioned making peace with Israel on the Jewish state giving up land to the Palestinians and arriving at a two-state solution, that’s not the beginning, middle and end of their relationship with the Palestinians. The discrimination the Palestinians face in these countries must not be entirely disregarded.

5. CNN Reminded by HR: Two mentally ill Israelis are being held captive in Gaza

While trawling the news this week, we noticed that CNN tweaked an old article about Gilad Shalit. Nothing wrong with that. But with two Israeli men with mental health issues trapped in Gaza for years, isn’t it time that CNN and the rest of the media picked up on the story?

6. The LA Times spreads falsehood about the Trump peace plan

When LA Times writer Tracy Wilkinson said that Trump does not support the creation of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel, we had to set her straight: The Vision for Peace he presented earlier this year clearly supports the creation of such a Palestinian state.

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