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About Those Unsubstantiated Allegations

Part of my job as HonestReporting’s Managing Editor is to call out the media for making unsubstantiated and speculative allegations against Israel. That’s why I criticized those media outlets that prematurely stated as fact that…

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Part of my job as HonestReporting’s Managing Editor is to call out the media for making unsubstantiated and speculative allegations against Israel.

That’s why I criticized those media outlets that prematurely stated as fact that Jewish extremists or settlers were responsible for the appalling murder of Palestinian teen Mohamed Abu Khdeir. From a journalistic perspective, it was wholly unprofessional to broadcast allegations without stating that they were exactly that. After all, when the media report on criminal cases, accuracy demands the descriptions “alleged” or “suspected” somewhere in the story.

Now that the suspects (and that’s all they are for now despite their arrests) have been revealed to be Jewish Israelis, there will be many on our own side who should reconsider the unsubstantiated speculation that they spread over social media platforms in recent days.

[sc:graybox ]Read the full article by HR Managing Editor Simon Plosker at The Times of Israel.

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