Is Hamas moderating itself? The 50 terror alerts reported in the Jerusalem Post since the elections don’t lie:
Hamas, the official said, was still involved in anti-Israel terror activity despite its landslide victory in last week’s Palestinian parliamentary elections. Despite Hamas’s win in the elections, the official said, the number of terror alerts registered by the defense establishment has stayed the same at 50 and has not decreased. Hamas, the official said, continued to perpetrate terror attacks against Israel but under the disguise of unassociated Palestinian gangs.
“Hamas itself doesn’t pull the trigger,” the security official said. “A lot of the times it works through local gangs in Gaza and the West Bank and supplies them with rockets and weapons and they carry out the attacks.”
In other words, Hamas is giving a green light for attacks it doesn’t want to be associated with. As the JCPA pointed out back in 2001, this was Yasser Arafat’s modus operandi.