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It’s The Fine Print, Stupid

Oxfam charges that the bank handling EU donations to the Palestinian Authority is receiving one million Euros a month in transaction fees. AFP writes: According to its own calculations based on EU documents, Oxfam said…

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EurosOxfam charges that the bank handling EU donations to the Palestinian Authority is receiving one million Euros a month in transaction fees. AFP writes:

According to its own calculations based on EU documents, Oxfam said that between August and December 2006 the bloc spent 3,246,472 euros (4.2 million dollars) on bank charges to transfer cash to more than 140,000 Palestinians.

It said HSBC made eight euros per transaction, so that by the end of last year, the bank received more than one million euros a month in charges.

Bank sources told AFP that Oxfam’s figures were wrong and were in fact less than half what they claimed.

How silly of us to think EU aid was only fueling Palestinian terror and rage.

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