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Vote for the Dishonest Reporter of 2014

Now’s the time to vote for the Dishonest Reporter of 2014. It’s our annual recognition of the year’s most skewed and biased coverage of Israel and the Mideast conflict. Make your voice heard and we’ll…

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Now’s the time to vote for the Dishonest Reporter of 2014. It’s our annual recognition of the year’s most skewed and biased coverage of Israel and the Mideast conflict. Make your voice heard and we’ll announce the ignoble winners by the end of the year.

Vote for one reporter or news service, along with a brief reason for your choice. This year’s nominees are:

1. The Lancet: for publishing an open letter about Gaza by avowed anti-Semites.
2. Channel 4: for Jon Snow’s over-the-top Gaza video.
3. New York Times: for turning Gaza’s casualty count into a game of numbers.
4. Washington Post: for publishing an op-ed — on the Jewish new year — calling for the end of the Jewish state.
5. Haaretz: for using its politicized agenda as a marketing tool.

If you prefer to choose someone else, send us a write in nomination. So check out our archived media critiques, Backspin blog entries, and Israel Daily News Stream posts.

There are three ways to send us your nomination.

  1. Post a comment below.
  2. Post a comment on HonestReporting’s Facebook page.
  3. Send an email to [email protected]

Due to the volume of submissions, we can’t acknowledge nominations.

And for old times sake, see who HonestReporting readers voted for the 2013 Dishonest Reporting award and runners up.

Vote now!

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